Presidential Election of 2004 and How We Win Our
Equal Opportunity
Reply to the Questionnaire from the Democratic Candidates
Please click on each candidate's name to see information
on each candidate's campaign.
Please support one or more of the following candidates,
who have responded satisfactorily to 80-20's questionnaire by answering
"YES" to all 3 questions.
Governor Howard Dean
Congressman Dennis Kucinich
Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun
Senator John Edwards
General Wesley Clark (Ret.)
Senator John Kerry
Senator Joe Lieberman
Congressman Dick Gephardt
Please do NOT support the following. Please
call or email them that you will not support them until they have answered
80-20's questionnaire positively.
Reverend Al Sharpton
Republican Candidates' Responses
80-20’s Recommendation on whom
to support during Primaries
Congressman Dick Gephardt
202-448-9300 (phone)
202-448-9399 (fax)
Gephardt for President
1620 L St., NW, Ste. 600
Washington, DC 20036
Reverend Al Sharpton
212-704-7383 (phone)
888-303-4903 (fax)
Al Sharpton Presidential Exploratory Committee
895 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003