News: Presidential Election 2004
Presidential Election of 2004 and How We
Win Our Equal Opportunity
I. Before the Elections
A. 80-20's Questionnaire to Presidential candidates
- Cover letter
- Questionnaire
- All about Executive Order 11246
B. Reply to the Questionnaire
from Democratic candidates (in chronological order, the top
is the earliest)
YES/YES/YES Congressman
Dennis Kucinich
YES/YES/YES Governor
Howard Dean
YES/YES/YES Ambassador
Carol Moseley Braun
John Edwards
Wesley Clark (Ret.)
John Kerry
Joe Lieberman
YES/YES/YES Congressman
Dick Gephardt
No Response: Reverend Al Sharpton
C. Reply to the Questionnaire from the Independent candidate
YES/YES/YES Ralph Nader
C. Reply to the Questionnaire
from the Republican candidate
No Response: George W. Bush
D. 80-20's Recommendation on whom to support during Primaries
The Democratic Presidential Primary has been over since March 2, 2004,
for all practical purposes.
E. Shielding
APA Candidates from Racist Attacks
(not part of the presidential election but could be very relevant to Asian
American political candidates of 2008)
II. During The Primary Elections
A. The Primary Season Is Over for All Practical Purposes
Sen. John Kerry, having answered Yes/Yes/Yes to 80-20's questionnaire,
will be running against President George Bush who has NOT answered 80-20's
B. 80-20 Announces Rule & Procedures for Electing Delegates to Its
Endorsement Convention (EC)
III. After D&R Nominees Are Known But
Before 80-20’s Endorsement
A. 80-20 Delegates and Alternates to the Endorsement Convention
B. Endorsement Convention
C. Press Release Announcing 80-20’s Endorsement, with Reservation
IV. After 80-20’s Endorsement Convention
A. What You Can Do to Help Our Candidate
B. News About Our Endorsed Candidate