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80-20 Bylaws Amendment voting, January 28-31, 2011

An amendment is approved provided a majority of the members voting approve the amendment

Abstract: To eliminate the current form of VP and in its place, add 3 Board appointed VP positions with very specific Titles and duties.

Bylaw Amendment 3.3:

Delete the existing article 3.3.2 Vice President and further amend the current Article 3.3 to read as follows:
3.3 Officers: there are two categories of officers:
3.3.1 Elected Officers: Elections for three officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer, shall take place every two years, in the second Saturday of November from a slate of candidates prepared by the Nomination Committee. The elected officers shall take office on January 1 of the following year, and service as officers shall not count towards the term limit as a director.  The elected officers shall not be paid annual salaries. The Finance Committee may recommend, and the Board may approve the payment of consultation fees and other compensations to elected officers on an individual basis. The officers shall be: President
(no Changes to existing write up on President) Treasurer
(no changes to existing write up on Treasurer) Secretary
(no changes to existing write up on Secretary)
3.3.2 Board Appointed Officers:
The Board may appoint up to three (3) Vice Presidents as follows:
All Vice Presidents are members of the Executive Committee, and appointed by the Board for a term of two (2) years. The term may be extended to a second term of two (2) years by the Board.
The Finance Committee may recommend, and the Board may approve the payment of consultation fees and other compensations to Vice Presidents on an individual basis. Vice President for Administration and Membership
This Vice president shall
   a. be responsible for maintaining and increasing the number of regular
       and life members each year;
   b. make a report to the president, or his/her designee, every other
       month beginning each February regarding the number of dues-
       paying members and the comparable numbers in the previous two years;
   c. appoint any ad doc committee(s), as necessary, upon the approval of
        the President.  The life of each ad hoc committee is 6 months,
        unless extended by the President;
    d.  be required to automatically submit a resignation if the total number
        of members falls more than 10% below that of the year before on
        12/31.  The President may accept, or turn down, such a resignation.
    e.  assist the President in activities as requested by the President;
    f.  assist the President in representing the Organization externally;
    g.  act for the President when the latter is unable to perform his/her
         duties; or succeed the Presidency when the Presidency becomes
         vacant, the term of that service not counted as a term as the
    h.  shall assume the duties of the Chair of the Election Monitoring Committee,
        as defined in article 3.3.5, when that position falls vacant, and before
        it is filled by the Board. Vice President for Chapter Development:
This Vice president shall
   a.  maintain the existing chapters and develop new chapters;
   b.  make a report to the president, or his/her designee, every other
        month beginning each February regarding the number of members in
        each existing chapter.  A chapter member must pay both national
        and chapter dues which this VP is to verify;
    c. apply for travel funds, as necessary, for purposes of new chapter
        development. Such an application is normally expected to be
        approved by the President;
    d. appoint any ad doc committee(s), as necessary, upon the approval of
        the President. The life of each ad hoc committee is 6 months,
        unless extended by the President;
    e.  be required to automatically submit a resignation if the total number
        of chapter members falls more than 10% below that of the year before
        on 12/31.  The President may accept, or turn down, such a resignation. Vice President for Communication Technology:
This Vice president shall
   a. maintain and increase the number of 80-20's active e-mail addresses
       of Asian Americans; and improve 80-20's current communication
       technology in its data base, IT system, its website, its Facebook,
       methods of sending out e-newsletters, and other electronic means of
   b.  make a report to the president, or his/her designee, every other
        month beginning each February regarding the size of its active e-mail
        addresses, the average number of its e-newsletters which are opened
        by 80-20 members and supporters, and the number of times the website and
        Facebook have been updated;
    c. make requisition with the Board for funds, if necessary, to update 80-20's
        communication technology in any specific area; acquire and implement
        the new technology, if funding is approved by the Board.
    d.  appoint any ad doc committee(s), as necessary, upon the approval of
        the President.  The life of each ad hoc committee is 6 months,
         unless extended by the President;
    e.  required to automatically submit a resignation if the total number
        of active e-mail addresses falls below that of the year before on 12/31.
        The President may accept, or turn down, such a resignation.