80-20 Board Election, November 14-22, 2009
From 11/14/ to 11/22, 80-20 members will be electing new Board Members, each with a 2-year term.
As you vote, please take into consideration:
1) a candidate's service to 80-20,
2) service to the APA community, and
3) diversity in ethnic background, gender and geographic distribution.
Candidate Statements/Biographies
Board of Directors
8 candidates are listed below. The 6 with the most votes will be elected to the Board of Directors.
Quan Cao (Florida)
Ved Chaudhary (New Jersey)
Clyde Diao (Florida)
Hilary Hsu (N. California)
Yueh-Ting Li (Ohio)
Canchu Lin (Ohio)
Edward Lin (INCUMBENT, Florida)
William C. Uy (N. California)
Board of Directors
8 candidates are listed below. The 6 with the most votes will be elected to the Board of Directors.
Quan Cao (Florida)
a)A Vietnamese American scholar trained in the US in both Multilingual education and cross-cultural counseling, Cao Anh Quan is one of the leading internationally recognized ESOL and PTSD consultants. Cao’s extensive background and experience in education, cross-cultural human services and community and leadership development include consultancies with private sector multinationals (Siemens, AT&T, Ford Motors, American Express, Scholastic, Center for Applied Linguistics, Houghton-Mifflin, College Board) and public sector institutions (State Departments of Social Services, Education, Health, and Mental Health in 45 states and 6 federal agencies).
In addition to his Florida Atlantic University professorship, he is the Managing Partner of Spectrum Knowledge East Coast. He has served since 2003 as the lead consultant for NAVASA’s NECSH/ORR Project and the strategic planner for Houston-based VCSA. He is currently working with Census 2010 on a number of Community Partnership projects throughout the country. He serves on an ANME committee working towards the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. He is consultant to the National Endowment for Democracy for a democracy project in Vietnam, Poland and Thailand and is a facilitator for the Boston-based Public Conversation Project on immigration reform.
He most recently was National Co-Chair of Vietnamese Americans for Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Presidential campaign.
b) I strongly support 80-20’s mission statement and am willing to commit 7.5 hrs a week to 80-20 as a Board member.
c) & d) I see my 80-20 work as a possibility to widen my network with other colleagues and commit to a number of collaboration goals we can accomplish together as a team.
Dr. Ved Chaudhary (New Jersey)
a) Career: Appointed by Governor Corzine as Assistant Commissioner, Environmental Protection,
I provide executive leadership in all policy matters pertaining to IT, Finance/Budget/Federal grants, Human-Resources/Labor/OSHA, Property/Facilities management/Audit, Equal-Opportunity/Diversity.
Achievements: Made significant policy changes that enable minorities achieve parity in jobs and promotions. Received Diversity Leader Award two years in a row (2007-08) by the Diversity Journal.
Served on Board of Trustees of Rutgers University, Vice-Chair, US Commission on Civil Rights’ NJ Council, Governor’s Ethnic Advisory Council, and Fellow, Leadership New Jersey.
b) I have a strong commitment to the mission of 80-20 to achieve equality and justice for all Asian Americans. While I am working full time, I’d devote 10-20 hours per week to 80-20. When I retire,
I’ll be able to devote lot more time, no matter whether I’m on the Board or not.
c) Co-Founder/President 80-20-NJ-chapter. Life member, National-80-20.
Shouldered major responsibility for establishing/promoting 80-20-NJ through meetings/conferences with Asian community leaders, organizing events/programs/press-releases/interviews/appearances on Asian media and meetings with political leaders for last 10 years.
d) Co-Founder/President of Indian-American Forum for Political Education, NJ-Chapter.
Forum became the catalyst projecting Indian community’s political influence and promoting Congressional Caucus on India. Co-Founder/President of Association for Advancement of Asian Americans in 1980 in Bell Laboratories and 1984 in Bell Communications Research.
Organized and Chaired: National Conference on Equal Opportunity, My 1990
-National Conference on Glass Ceiling, hosted by EEOC, May 1993, Washington, D.C.
-Indian American Leadership Conference, hosted by White House, May 1991.
Dr. Clyde Diao (Florida)
I am currently the Florida Governor’s Economist and also the Governor’s Liaison for 2010 Census for Florida. Also, I am the Tallahassee Airport Commission Chairman. I was the Chief Economist of Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
Currently, I am the Chairman of the Asian Coalition of Tallahassee (ACT), an umbrella organization of several Asian associations and other local organizations since it started 5 years ago. ACT has become the voice of the Asian community in Tallahassee, Florida’s capital city. I am heavily involved in the move to get rid of the Alien Land Law in Florida’s constitution. Under my leadership, ACT has established “Experience Asia – the Annual Asian Festival”, becoming the 3rd largest event in Tallahassee in just 5 years. More than 15,000 people attended this festival this year. I’ve established myself as an Asian American leader in Florida and have been invited in several large Asian American events as keynote speaker. Several politicians have asked for my assistance in their campaign. I have initiated the State’s recognition of May as Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I gave a speech representing Asian Americans at a big celebration attended by hundreds of Asian-American leaders in Florida at the Governor’s Mansion last May.
If given a chance, I would like to focus on in increasing Asian American representation in key positions in State of Florida and other states and strengthen the role of 80-20 in grassroots level. I will put 10 hours of my time weekly for 80-20.
Hilary Hsu (N. California)
1. I retired in May 2009 from City College of San Francisco. My last position there was Professor, Business. My specialty area was Finance. Before returning to faculty in 1990, I was Chancellor of that institution, from May 1982 to October 1990. At the time of my appointment, I believe I was the first Asian American to lead a major post secondary education institution. From 1976 to 1982, I was Director, Business Services at the College.
2. Since I am retired, I will devote as much time to 80-20 as needed to be an effective Board member.
3. In Spring of 2001, I was one of the supporters of 80-20's first major fund raiser event in San Francisco, organizing a table of donors.
4. I am a life member of Chinese for Affirmative Action of San Francisco. I was one of the Founding Board Members of ASIAN, Inc., an organization dedicated to increasing participation of Asian Americans in the trades in public and private projects. I have been a member of Asian Coalition, an advocacy organization at City College, donating funds to their scholarship program. Marking my retirement last year, I established a scholarship honoring the memory of my parents.
Dr. Yueh-Ting Li (Ohio)
E Y-T Lee is currently Professor of Psychology at the University of Toledo, who has served as an administrator at various institutions (2000-2008, e.g., Chairperson of Ethnic Studies Department, and Dean of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences) and served on 80-20 National Board (2004-2008). By working Asian American community leaders in Northwest (NW) Ohio, he has established an 80-20 NW Ohio Chapter and serves as a founding President of this organization. The chapter activities for Asian American communities can be seen at the following website, (, which has demonstrated its political success and impact locally and regionally. With the collaborative efforts of the chapter board of directors, officers and community leaders in greater Toledo, he organized an educational forum on immigration, equal opportunities and justice for Asian and other Americans and well engaged with our Toledo mayoral candidates. Hopefully he can help 80-20 to establish more chapters around the nation.
Canchu Lin (Ohio)
My name is Canchu Lin. I’m currently working as assistant professor of organizational communication at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, expecting to be promoted to associate professor with tenure in 2010. My greatest career achievement so far is landing on this job after I got my Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2003 and moving up to promotion. My publications address issues including Chinese culture, leadership, conflict management, technology adoption and implementation, and globalization. Once I am elected as a board member of 80-20, I would spend at least an average of 3 hours per week serving 80-20. Currently, I’m serving as vice president of 80-20’s Northwest Ohio Chapter. During this year, among other things, I, together with other officers, helped to engage Toledo mayoral candidates in a series of discussions/interviews about what they will and can do for the Asian community in Toledo once they are elected, plan and organize a panel discussion on Asian American immigration and equal opportunities, and participated in a conference call discussion on how the Obama administration can better serve the Asian American community nationwide, which was sponsored by other Asian American organizations. I have spent a huge amount of time while serving in my vice president position. I envision my role as advocating for political participation by Asian Americans, which is seriously lacking in this community.
Dr. Edward Lin (INCUMBENT, Florida)
A physician, inventor and founder of Ingenious Technologies, I serve on three boards and am the co-founder of the Gulfcoast Chinese American Association. Throughout my careers, I have pursued my dreams to make a positive difference in the lives of my patients, community and hopefully someday, the world. I hold US and international patents on promising innovations.
I am seeking my third term on the 80-20 Board, having devoted on average, 7 or more hours per week to 80-20 matters and recruited over a dozen new 2009 members.
A Life Member and Founding Patron, I have served 80-20 on various committees and as a convention delegate. I actively support our mission by assisting in ongoing projects, including writing and calling Congress and lobbying in person at the Capitol to advocate the enforcement of EO11246 and nomination of AsAm federal judges. These goals are paramount to finally enabling AsAms to enjoy equal employment and career advancement opportunities and justice.
AsAms have traditionally been politically apathetic. Uniting, awakening and empowering them to their political potential is a civic transformation that will test the determination and skills of any 80-20 leader. We must face this challenge—for our own sake and that of our children. As we mark 80-20’s tenth anniversary in 9/09, I feel both privileged and gratified to have been a part of the landmark progress that has been made and I renew my pledge to serve to the best of my ability. Thank you for your continued confidence in me.
Dr. William C. Uy (N. California)
M.S. and Ph.D. from Northwestern University. B.S. from De La Salle College, “magna cum laude.” A retired DuPont Company senior research scientist.
Recipient of 25 patented inventions and major grants and fellowships from the Walter P. Murphy, Defense ARPA, NSF, and ACS.
Author of thirty-five scientific publications and two books. Made presentations at professional meetings in the U.S., Australia, Canada and England.
Past president of Wilmington Ski Club; board member of civic association and DuPont Diversity Choir; Contra Costa County election clerk and inspector in past three years; politically active.
Co-founder, past president of OCA Delaware; OCA Life Member; saved a Chinese-American senior from jail and helped her win a trial; conducted voter registration in Oakland Chinatown; 80-20 Life Member; 80-20 Endorsement Committee member since 2004; “American Core Value: Equal Opportunity” advertisement contributor.
GOAL: Continue to support and push 80-20 initiatives.