80-20 Email List
What is the 80-20 E-mail List?
The 80-20 Initiative, a national grassroots organization representing and promoting the political empowerment and shared interests of all Asian Americans, invites you to make use of our free e-mail announcements subscription service. Following are our Terms of Use describing the service, our Privacy and Respect policy, and how your contact information will be used.
80-20 is national, non-profit political action organization dedicated to promoting equality, justice, and political empowerment for all Asian Americans. Subscribers to the 80-20 E-mail List receive our periodic informational mailings to the Asian-American community and our supporters. These non-commercial mailings provide targeted, relevant information, news, action alerts, and announcements about this organization's activities, and issues related to Asian-American political issues, concerns, and events.
Mailing topics may range from relevant legislative alerts and voter information to 80-20 events announcements and political education information. As a grassroots organization by, for, and about Asian Americans, we may also occasionally query our supporters and list subscribers to join us in determining future goals and actions toward our common good.
We encourage you to learn more our mission, past accomplishments, projects,
and new activities at www.80-20initiative.net.
How do I subscribe?
Simply send a subscription request from your own e-mail account to
email.list@80-20initiative.net with the subject heading "Please subscribe me".
How do I unsubscribe?
80-20 provides two methods for recipients of our Asian-American community
announcement mailings to unsubscribe from the list at any time for any
Method 1: Automated unsubscription. Return any of our emails in its
entirety with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
Method 2: Written e-mail request from the subscribed e-mail address
to email.list@80-20initiative.net
with the subject heading " Please UNsubscribe me ".
What if I've changed e-mail addresses?
There are two ways to ensure that you continue to receive 80-20 mailings if you change addresses. (Addresses consistently reporting messages to be undeliverable will be subject to removal from list.)
Method 1: Return any 80-20 email in its entirety with the words ADDRESS CHANGE in the subject. Write your new address in first line of the email. To ensure your privacy and verify your consent, this method is preferred.
Method 2: If you experience difficulties performing the above method, you can e-mail email.list@80-20initiative.net with your old and new e-mail information.
How will my subscription information be used?
80-20 employs the list for the sole purpose of communicating with others in our community on topics of relevance and political concern to us as Asian Americans. To earn the privilege of communicating with our community by e-mail, we conduct our mailings according to a firm policy of privacy and respect.
Out of respect for your privacy, 80-20 requests only minimal contact information for subscription to our free e-mail service. We will not sell or trade your personal contact information to any commercial service or other third party without your consent.
Out of respect for your valuable time, 80-20 employs the list to deliver only periodic, targeted news and information relevant to our Asian American communities, organization supporters, and political concerns. 80-20 does not sell products or services, and will make no commercial use of your e-mail information. Further, this is not a listserv: You will receive no e-mails through our list that are not sent to you directly by 80-20. (For example, you will not receive messages from other subscribers "chatting" about some topic or other.)
To help ensure that your subscription is maintained satisfactorily and that you can easily change or end your subscription at any time, we encourage you to print and/or bookmark this page now for convenient future reference.