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80-20's press conference in California to announce its endorsement of Sen. Hillary Clinton for California's 2008 Democratic Primary. Sen. Clinton promised to eliminate all discrimination against Asian Americans in the workplace by replying to 80-20's questionnaire with all Yeses, while another front runner Senator Barack Obama at the time had not. None of the Republican candidates replied. Therefore, 80-20 endorsed Senator Clinton in the CA primary and delivered a stunning 71/25 bloc vote according to the LA Times, and 3 to 1 according to the NY Times. (Note: Sen. Obama has since replied to our questionnaire with all yeses. 80-20 has since become neutral between Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama.)
From left to right: David Chai (80-20 Board), Fel Amistad (Filipino Am. Community leader, 80-20 former VP), Harrison Lim (6 company), Joel Wong (80-20 Board), Niraj Baxi (Indian Am. community leader), Frank Lee (80-20 Board), Leon Chow (Chinese Am. Community), Cheng Liao (CAPA)
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