Special Projects
Letter to USAToday editor on
Chinese Spying
August 3, 2007
Mr. Ken Paulson
Attn: Krena Morris (Ken Paulson's Assistant)
Fax #: 703-854-2074
7950 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22108-0605
Dear Mr. Paulson:
Would you please take a look at an article entitled "Law enforcement
struggles to combat Chinese spying" on the front page of your 7/23/07
issue? There was also a Part II of your special Report entitled "Against
China's tech spies."
I am writing on behalf of the Board of 80-20 Education Foundation (EF),
with an email list of 700,000 Asian American families. EF wants spying
against us by China stopped as much as you do. However, we feel strongly
that the headlines lacked sensitivity towards Chinese/Asian Americans
who are still struggling to win equal opportunity in workplaces and getting
out of the stereo negative image of "perpetual foreigners."
Let me explain.
Please see a full page ad that my organization placed in Washington Post
giving irrefutable facts of discrimination against Asian Americans. The
ad carefully cited all source materials. Go to http://www.80-20initiative.net/action/equalopp_washingtonpost_wpad.jpg.
When compared with all other minorities (blacks, Hispanics, Native Ams,
and women), Asian Ams. have the least opportunity to enter management,
and the slowest rate of progress towards equal employment opportunity,
despite having the highest educational attainment. That we still have
the highest per household income is owing to a combination of having the
highest educational attainment and more working members per family
With headlines like yours, our struggle towards becoming equal citizens
are seriously deterred. Think in terms of Chinese/Asian Ams employees
in tech companies. Will their bosses care more about their? careers or
his/her own career? What is easier for their bossess? Shoulder the possible
liability of having promoted a Chinese/Asian industrial or military spy?
Or, not promoting them at all?
J. Edgar Hoover has always wanted Americans to think that there is "an
FBI agent behind every mailbox." One recent FBI internal newsletter,
issued during Ashcroft's tenure as AG, encouraged the same fear "for
plenty of reasons, chief of which it will enhance the paranoia endemic
in such circles and will further service to get the point across that
there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox.". http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/01/04/INGPQ40MB81.DTL&type=printable
FBI has a very narrow mission. It may failed to realized that it'll also
encourage every CEO to see a potential spy behind every Chinese/Asian
American employee. Note that most Americans don't differentiate one Asian
from another. Vincent Chin, a Chinese American was bashed to death with
a baseball bat by two Detroit auto workers who took him to be a Japanese.
Does USA Today want to be an accomplice to this narrow FBI scheme? What
kind of America will it be if the tactics succeed? More secure perhaps
but at the expense of trampling mercilessly on a very small minority possessing
little power to defend itself.
Your titles also lacked perspective. To illustrate, what if China were
to pull these mirroring sensational headlines against Americans and American
Chinese in its People's Daily? Would you consider such hyping as the demonizing
of the U.S.A.?
Members within our organization have advocated that EF will use its huge
email list to start a mass protest against USA TODAY and to boycott your
papers with a reminder every six months henceforth. I reject such suggestions
out of hand. However, I do respectfully request that you act in a meaningful
way to correct that insensibility towards Chinese/Asian Americans. Can
you come up with a win-win situation for US TODAY, Chinese/Asian Americans
and America?
In the past, USA TODAY has nobly resisted racial typing of minorities.
You have shown a world perspective. Are you abandoning these loftystandards
now? Looking forward to hearing form you soon,
S. B. Woo
President, 80-20 Educational Foundation
Lt. Governor of Delaware, 1985-89