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What makes 80-20 effective

IV. Show our Love for America

Date of Call to Action Purpose (PP) & Method (MD) Date Result(s) Achieved
June 9, 2002: 80-20 announces its 2nd Sea of Flags Project. PP: To help erase the perception of APAs as "disloyal foreigners."

MD: Sent e-mails urging our supporters to participate; recruited 400 ground
volunteers in Dallas, North CA, South CA, NY, Cleveland, Lansing (MI), and other cities; we pass out over 5050 flags; buy radio ads in LA, SF, NY and other cities.

June to July, 2002: Mainstream media coverage includes: AP, the Dallas Morning News, the Oakland Tribune, in addition to widespread ethnic media coverage.

July 4, 2002: The San Francisco Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association holds its historic first flag raising ceremony. Mainland and Taiwanese Chinese factions put aside "homeland politics" to celebrate their American patriotism.

June 7, 2001: Due to the Committee of 100’s finding that a large fraction of our compatriots doubt the loyalty of Asian Americans, 80-20 sends an e-mail to its then-230,000 supporters, entitled: "80-20 to Invest $50K to Erase APAs' "Foreign" Image."

PP: To slowly erase APAs' "foreign" image.

MD: a) Appeal to 80-20 supporters to display flags on July 4th, aiming to create “seas of flags” in well-known APA areas to attract mainstream media and tourist attention,

b) Appropriate $50,000 to buy TV, radio, newspaper ads in LA, SF, D.C. and NY to induce widespread participation, and

c) Recruit about 100 volunteers to organize various communities to display flags.

June to July, 2001: The APA community receives positive coverage of its flag project in the NY Times, the LA Times, the Boston Globe, the Plain Dealer, Ohio, Newsweek Magazine (Web version), the San Jose Mercury Times, Sacramento Bee; ABC, Philadelphia, NBC, NY KRON/NBC, SF, KCRA/ NBC Sacramento, FOX TV, Houston, WOR TV, NY, Nat'l Public Radio, N. CA.

Titles of the articles include: “We Are Americans, Too” in Newsweek; “Embracing Independence Day” in the Boston Globe; “Independence Fete in Chinatown” in the NY Times – precisely the kind of image that 80-20 had hoped for.