Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Minutes of 80-20 PAC Board Meeting
Saturday, April 25 2009
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Foster City, CA
Meeting convenes at 8:45 a.m.
Board members: Kathleen To, Fel Amistad (till 3 or 4 pm), Laura Hsu, Chenming Hu, Frank
Lee, Edward Lin, Roy Saigo, Lena Tam, Joel Wong, David Yang, Jing-Li Yu
Acting Executive Director: S.B. Woo,
Staff: Helen Wang
Guest: Roger Huang (Houston chapter)
1) The 2009 budget, proposed by S. B. Woo, the Acting Exec. Director, was approved
unanimously without change. For details, see the meeting docket of 2009.
2) The motion to "hire a new Special Assistant (and perhaps an Executive Director) to
overlap with Helen by as much as 4 months for the year" was also approved unanimously.
3) The motion "for each Board member to recruit 10 paying members or donate $700 to
80-20 PAC by the end of 2009" was also approved unanimously.
4) The 2 Bylaws amendments seen in the docket were amended and approved. Details are
as follows:
a) Article 3.4.2 Nominations Committee:
The final amendment as approved is “The Nomination Committee shall consist of a chair
elected by the Membership in the second week of November every other year and four
members. The candidates may be self-nominated or nominated by the Chair, and must be
approved by the Board of Directors in the second week of December after the election of the
new directors….”
5 ayes. 4 nays.
b) Article 3.4.5 Election Monitoring Committee:
“The Election Monitoring Committee shall consist of a Chair elected by the Board of
Directors in the second week of January every other year, and two members appointed by the
Chair and approved by the Board of Directors, plus two Board member observers, who may
be self-nominated or appointed by the Chair and approved by the Board, no later than the
second week of February of the same year.”
7 ayes. 2 nays.
5) Monica of the Census Bureau requested to 80-20 to place an endorsement of the Census, a
link to the Census site and its banner. The request was approved unanimously.
6) The item on "Fish or Cut Bait" was tabled, on account of a possible income stream
mentioned proposed by Ed Lin. An Ad Hoc comm.. was appointed to investigate
its feasibility. The tabling motion passed unanimously on a voice vote. Upon the report
of the ad hoc committee, this item may be lifted for a thorough deliberation again.
7) The following Ad Hoc Committees were created. Every comm. is to report back to
the Board by 10/1/09 in writing what progress/success it has achieved (please skip the what
you have done part, just what you have achieved.). If you are not certain about the
charges to you comm.. please email SB who will be glad to send you a written "charge to the
a) Ethnic Media Outreach: Fel Amistad (Chair) plus Chenming Hu and Frank Lee.
b) Outreach to Asian Am. Nat'l Civic (e.g. JACL) and/or Professional (e.g. Nat'l As. Am
Journalists Assoc) Comm: Kathleen To (Chair) plus Jing-Li Yu, and Ed Lin.
c) AffiliateS Comm (get80-20s more affiliates).: Joel Wong (Chair) plus Laura Hsu
d) Monitoring Federal Judgeship Vacancies: Roger Huang (Chair) plus S. B. Woo
e) Additional Financial Income Comm. : Ed Lin (chair) & Joel Wong (plus perhaps
Charles Zhang who knows finance) will investigate with all deliberate speed United
Missouri Bank's affinity card program and come back with a recommendation on
whether 80-20 will participate in.
f) Long range Planning Comm. : Roy Saigo (Chair). Roy was asked to find his own
comm.. members. [Charge to the comm: If the decision were to fish, and if the Obama
commitments have already been fulfilled, what should be the next big project for 80-20?
(1) Joel Wong is to follow up on the outreach money from the Census Bureau (The Bureau is
to give ethnic orgs $2999 each for promoting the 2010 census).
(2) SB'll try to get a grant to get all the ethnic media together for a meeting. May use the
2010 Census as the central topic.
(3) S.B. Woo will dig up the name of a professor at UC Berkeley who said 80-20 did not
forge the bloc vote (he said it just grew naturally), and pass sit to Chenming to do some
liaison work for 80-20.
(4) S.B. & Helen will figure out if we can add a line to the credit card payment webpage to
ask for the name of the person who recruited/referred him/her, if any. In addition,
Helen'll add the city & state behind the names of the Life Members on our website
membership list.
(5) Roger will assist S.B. in trying out Twitter and Facebook as a means of communication.
(6) S.B. will give $200 to any Board Member (out of his own pocket) who can come back
with 1000 Asian American e-mail addresses by Aug. 1, 2009 so that 80-20 can learn about
that effective methodology of finding Asian Am e-addresses. S. B.thinks no one can
meet that challenge within 3 months, although he'll be delighted if proven wrong.
(7) Helen will send a) Obama and Biden commitments, and b) Washington Post ad and a
number of pamphlets to each Board member to get them to each recruit 10 members.
(8) After meeting with Labor Secretary and getting the President’s commitment to enforcing
EO 11246, consider appointing an ad hoc committee to look into giving some money or
getting an organization or EEOC to target 1-2 universities (or companies) for starting a class
action discrimination suit. (SB's Note: This could be way into the future.)
(9) If we decide to fish and if the President’s commitments have been fulfilled, plan the next
mission (Roy's Ad Hoc comm.. may be looking into it already..).
Meeting is recessed at 6:10 p.m.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Meeting reconvened at 8:50 a.m.
Board members: Kathleen To, Fel Amistad, Laura Hsu, Chenming Hu, Frank Lee, Edward
Lin, Roy Saigo, Lena Tam, Joel Wong, David Yang, Jing-Li Yu
Acting Executive Director: S.B. Woo,
Staff: Helen Wang
Guest: Roger Huang (Houston chapter)
1) Helen to check what comes up with Google for 80-20 or 80-20 Initiative/PAC (do chapters
come up first?) and report back to S.B.
2) Ed Lin will research pins for Life members of 80-20.
3) Laura will approach Yao Ming for fundraiser.
4) S.B. will check on V.P. Biden's availability for a fundraiser in SF, with a seating
capacity of about 4,000.
5) David Yang will design a framed picture of Obama & his commitment, including a donor
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon on April 26, 2009.
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The following does not concern all Board members, except for those who serve in an Ad Hoc
committee. Chairs of Ad Hoc Comms.. need to review the accuracy of the following
Action items from Ad Hoc Committees:
Ethnic Media Outreach Ad Hoc Committee:
- add L.A. Korean American to committee to visit LA papers
- ask Linden to approach Japanese American media
- Frank and Chenming will visit bay area Chinese papers.
- Fel will work w/ Filipino American and Indian American communities (& possibly
- Vietnamese American community)
- Ask for reciprocal linking w/ media.
- David Yang joins the committee; researches on gov’t funding for ethnic media
- conventions.
- Check w/ universities to see if student orgs have media lists or newsletters.
- Equal employment opportunity better phrase than glass ceiling. Broader.
Affiliates Committee:
- Bay area: CAPA, CBC, Vision New America
Internship/scholar program: win-win situation
Endorsement program: recommendation; powerful and mature
APAPA: CC Yin, successful fundraiser (Arnold was the keynote speaker); raised 1/2 million
last year, and $400,000 this year; 4 chapters, to become APAPA California in 2-3 years; Joel
is the Chair of its Bay area chapter; professionally organized meetings
- Friction between 80-20 and APAPA: There has been a wrong perception that 80-20 is
Democratic. Joel will get the local orgs connect with national org.
Outreach to Asian Am. Nat'l Civic and/or Professional Comm.
- Write letters re: equal opportunity/ EO 11246 for Asian Am.orgs. Get them to work with us.
- Create contact list for AsAm orgs.
- Ed has joined committee
Meeting is adjourned at 12:00 noon on April 26, 2009.