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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Minutes of 80-20 Initiative Board Meeting Via Teleconference

Date: Saturday, December 22, 2007

Time: 2:00 PM EST

Members Present: Kathleen To, Kelvin Chen, Hong-Yee Chiu,Yueh-Ting Lee, Edward Lin, Kim Song, Joel Wong, S.B. Woo, Jing-Li Yu

Memers Absent: Ademan Angeles, David Chai, David Yang, Laura Hsu, Linden Nishinaga, Amy Wong Mok, and John Wong (David Chai, David Yang, and Linden Nishinaga made absentee votes of approval.)

Staff Present: Helen Wang

Nature of the Meeting and Duration: Conference call lasting 30 minutes

Approval: The items reported below have the unanimous approval of all who participated in the Board meeting and in an absentee vote.


S.B. Woo moves

to pass two related resolutions aiming to execute the long-held philosophy of 80-20 PAC to achieve equal opportunity for Asian Americans through carrots and sticks. The first resolution, if passed, proposes to defeat Sen. Obama's candidacy during the Democratic primary.

[A] The First Resolution:

Whereas, prominent Dem. Presidential candidates such Senators Clinton, Edwards and Biden…, etc. have replies with all yeses and Sen. Obama has not;

Whereas, we aim to help one of those Dem presidential candidates having answered all yeses to become the Democratic nominee for president;

Whereas, none of the Republican candidates have replied to our questionnaire and therefore 80-20 does not have a reason to favor one or the other;

Whereas, Jan 3 is when the important Iowa Caucus will be held,

Whereas, the effectiveness of 80-20 depends on its faithful execution of its word to defeat Sen. Obama whom it has targeted to persuade but failed, ad of its effective reward for those presidential candidates who have replied with all yeses; and

Whereas, it takes about 3 days for 80-20 to begin a full scale campaign to defeat Sen. Obama's candidacy and 3 days to fully halt such a campaign,

Be It Therefore Resolved that 80-20 shall target Sen. Obama as the candidate to defeat until such time as 3 days AFTER he will have replied to our questionnaire with all yeses.

Jing-Li Yu seconds.

The motion was unanimously approved.

S.B. Woo moves

to pass two related resolutions aiming to execute the long-held philosophy of 80-20 PAC to achieve equal opportunity for Asian Americans through carrots and sticks. The second resolution, contingent upon the passing of the first resolution, sets minor details of how to execute the first resolution.

[B] The Second Resolution:

Whereas, we are not certain whether Sen. Obama may see fit to reply to 80-20's questionnaire with all yeses today or much later or not at all;

Whereas, we want to be fair to Sen. Obama in giving him an adequate notice that 80-20 will no longer merely be inducing him to reply with all yeses but will be mounting a full campaign to defeat his candidacy in the Democratic primary; and

Whereas, the Iowa Caucus is on Jan 3;

Be It Therefore Resolved that 80-20's Board shall notify Sen. Obama's Illinois campaign headquarters, in email and fax, on Dec. 22, 2007 that it shall mount a full campaign to defeat his candidacy in the Democratic Primary beginning on Dec. 27 unless S. B. Woo, President of 80-20 Educational Foundation, will have received a signed reply from him to 80-20 Educational Foundation's questionnaire with all yeses by midnight of Dec. 26, 2007. After the midnight of 26th, if 80-20 receives a reply of all yeses, 80-20 shall cease its campaign against Obama's candidacy in the Democratic primary after 3 full days from the time of its receipt of his reply.

Jing-Li Yu seconds.

The motion was unanimously approved.

2:30PM EST Meeting adjourned.