Online Delegate Application Form
Please submit the form below NOW online.
Deadline for Application submission: June 28, 8:00 PM EST
Convention Date: August 26, 2012 (Sunday); Location: Los Angeles, CA
I hereby file application to serve as a Delegate to the 80-20 PAC's Endorsement Convention, with the clear understanding of the following conditions:
(1) I pledge to support the presidential candidate chosen by the Endorsement Convention regardless of my personal preference & conviction.
(2) If I am elected by the 80-20 Board to serve as a Delegate, I promise to attend the Convention (except for unforeseen circumstances) while paying my own travel expenses, and
(3) I have no conflict of interest in becoming a convention Delegate. That is: I have no financial interest with any of the political parties and/or presidential campaigns. And I am not an applicant for any federal appointment.